
Spicy Bitter Melon With Beef    by   Mac

3 bitter melons - thinly sliced
1/2 lb beef filet or flank steak* - thinly sliced
Red chili peppers - chopped
Fermented black beans (or black bean sauce)
Ginger & garlic - minced

 * Can substitute with chicken or pork.

1.  Sprinkle some salt over the sliced bitter melon,
mix and set aside for 10-15 minutes;
rinse off salt and drain.

2.  Marinate beef -- soy sauce, mirin (opt), pepper,
garlic salt, tapioca or corn starch.

3.  Stir fry beef quickly in a hot frying pan and set aside.

4.  Heat some oil in a frying pan, saute ginger, garlic,
red peppers and black beans until fragrant,

5.  Add bitter melon and saute for couple minutes,
sprinkle a pinch of sugar (opt) over the vegetable.

6.  Add the cooked beef and couple tablespoons of water if the mixture is dry.

7.  Adjust seasonings, stir fry meat and vegetables together
-- plate, and serve hot.


三色苦瓜牛   by  Mac

3苦瓜 - 薄片
1 / 2磅 牛肉菲力牛排或腰肉 * - 薄片
紅辣椒 - 切碎
生薑與大蒜 - 碎


1。撒一些鹽在苦瓜片上,10-15分鐘洗去鹽, 瀝乾。

2。醃牛肉 - 醬油,料酒(可免),辣椒,大蒜,鹽,木薯或玉米澱粉。




6。加下炒熟的牛肉, 如果太乾的話可添加幾匙水.。

7。調味,翻炒肉類和蔬菜均勻,  裝盤, 趁熱食用。



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