

Aebleskiver  球煎餅

Ball pancake or puff ball has many names,
it depends on which part of Europe one is traveling to or coming from.
In the U.S. it is commonly refer to as aebleskiver or poffertjes.
Some other names for pancake ball are:
merfeilles, krapfchen, poffertjes, ebelskiver,
and ableskiver.

(aebleskiver pan 取材自網路)

The equipment to make ball pancake is called aebleskiver pan, munk pan, or monk pan.


 Makes about 12-13 pancake balls

 2 egg whites/蛋白,  beat to soft peak, set aside

1 cup AP flour/中粉

 1 tbsp sugar/糖

 ¼ tsp salt/鹽

 ½ tsp baking powder/發粉

 2 egg yolks/蛋黃

2 tbsp oil/油

½ cup beer/啤酒

½ cup butter milk


 1. In a bowl mix together ingredients 2-8,
and fold in egg whites.

2. Pour batter into an aebleskiver pan and cook at medium low heat;
when crust is formed,
make a 1/3 turn with a skewer or knitting needle;
repeat until a ball is formed.


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